The property market has been relatively slow in adopting new ideas and technologies. Whilst developers are getting to grips with new apps and tools which can support the entire project cycle, the methodology used on site still has some way to go in terms of reacting to modern day techniques. Modular building is becoming more familiar but there are still big knowledge gaps, for those that are fully invested in the process, the benefits are huge and ultimately, it seems to hold the key for the future of efficient development.
For Laith Mubarak, Click Properties, modular builds are his sole focus. The opportunity this presents is vast; speeding up processes in a closed and controlled environment is a huge benefit. It is well known that simple factors beyond a developer’s control such as the weather can be incredibly disruptive to traditional build methods and the knock-on effects it could have are significant. With modular builds, developers can confidently provide project completion dates, accurately calculating how long each individual process will take. The key is consistency which is something that you get very little of on a traditional site.
The biggest problem with modular development at the moment is that people are not yet comfortable with the methodology behind it. Modular schemes require a different type of developer to support them and the start-up costs are undoubtedly high. Furthermore, in terms of the end product, there is a perception that buyers may be willing to pay less for a property which is not made of bricks and does not feel as solid as a traditional home.
Overtime however, as people become more familiar with the process and its benefits, end users may actually be willing to pay more for the sake of maintaining quality and consistency which is once again something that can be sacrificed in traditional builds if the correct team is not employed. In general, projects require a huge work force and in that, there is a high turnover of staff. This creates knowledge gaps, delays and impacts the quality of a scheme. In a factory however, the same process is rolled out time and time again so a buyer can expect the same quality no matter which house they buy, and the ‘experience’ should be the same for every user, a control which has never been in place before.
Whilst it is easy to appreciate the benefits of modular builds, the challenge will be finding developers that are able to take on this huge task. Click above to watch the full discussion on modular builds.
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